(International Workshop on "Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies (DEIP"

The Iranian Association for Management of Technology (IRAMOT) invites participants from amongst the Middle East and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Indian-Ocean Rim Association (IORA) to participate in our workshop on “Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies (DEIP)" in Tehran, Iran from October 18-22, 2015.
This workshop will be held by United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) in Tehran in collaboration with Iranian Association for Management of Technology (IRAMOT) with precious presence of outstanding instructors from all over the world.
About the Workshop:
The Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies in Developing Countries (DEIP) is a one-week course provided by UNU-MERIT (Maastricht Economic and Social research and training center on Innovation and Technology, United Nations University). Proven to be popular since 2004 inception, this course has been designed for policy makers in science, technology and innovation policy, particularly in developing countries. Focus on strategic decision-making about technology and innovation, analyzing the latest technological developments and designing appropriate responses and policies tailored to specific development contexts.
The course focuses its contents on theory and practices of innovation policy, on policy design, policy implementation, on measuring and monitoring innovative performance, as well as outcomes and impact evaluation. There are dialogues for sharing lessons learned among participants, and all participants are expected to give a presentation based on their respective national experience.
This training aims to enhance policy design and evaluation knowledge of senior policy makers in Iran, combining with experiences from EU and internationals. At the same time, this provides great opportunities to expand network of science, technology and innovation policy makers, thus fueling the drive for better future.
After attending the course, participants will be able to:
- - Grasp the concept of innovation policy in different levels with focus on industrial development and understand the theories of innovation policy and innovation system;
- - Improve their understanding of technological learning and catching up process in developing countries and specially in the context of resource based economies like Iran;
- - Better appreciate the various components of an innovation policy instruments for NTBFs & SMEs and especially instruments like financial, human resource, infrastructure and regulations;
- - Understand the importance of policies for sustainable development in the context on innovation policy;
- - Improve their knowledge on collection and presentation of innovation indicators and their use to evaluate the effectiveness of innovation policies and familiarize themselves with methods of policy evaluation;
Course fee:
There is no course fee for participants. (Accommodation will be provided by IRAMOT but participants from outside Iran have to provide their own funding for ticket.)
The language of the training will be English. The lecturers will be a combination of international and Iranian based speakers.
Possible Training Course Topics:
- General Perspectives and Theories of Innovation Policy
· Design and evaluation of innovation policy: the conceptual framework
· Governmental role in innovation policy
· Integration of innovation policy and other national policies like economic policy and regional policy
· Innovation systems and the integration of national, sectoral and regional levels
- Innovation Policy and Development of Mature and Resource-based Industries
· Innovation policy and role of value chain formation in mature and resource-based industries
· Innovation policy in resource-based industries like oil & gas
· Innovation policy in mature industries like automotive industry
- Innovation Policy for NTBFs and SMEs
· Financial instruments, subsidies and taxes for NTBFs and SMEs
· Human resource development and formation of NTBFs and SMEs
· Standard and IPRs for supporting NTBFs and SMEs
· The role of venture capital to promote NTBFs and SMEs
· Infrastructures for innovation in NTBFs and SMEs: incubators, science park, clusters, networks and business support
- Innovation Policy and Sustainable Development
· Renewable energies and innovation policies
· National development projects and sustainable development
· Innovation policy, energy saving and renewable water resources
- Methods for Developing Innovation Policy Plans for Catching-up in Developing Countries
· Foresight and innovation policy
· Policy mix in innovation policy
· Innovation policy and catch-up for developing countries
- Innovation Policy Evaluation and Innovation Survey
· Policy evaluation methods
· Conventional STI indicators like patents and publication·
· Non-Conventional STI indicators and Innovation survey
The Teaching Staff:
The training will be conducted by distinguished lecturers from United Nations University- Maastricht Economic and social Research and training center on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT), Maastricht and experts from Iran to reflect the experiences and needs of emerging countries.